A little more on Vetevendosje (please see my previous post on this movement, which is below).
Vetevendosje is, in essence, a radical movement. They have used somewhat violent tactics during their protests in the past few years, such as vandalism and flipping EULEX cars. Here is a YouTube video of a 2007 protest with the police (sorry, I will need to learn how to embed the video later), where multiple officers were injured and two Vetevendosje members were killed. This protest was under consideration and viewing from the police, and finally after three years, Albin Kurti was arrested in June 2010 (Human Rights Watch is calling for an investigation into the use of police force during the arrest). He was convicted and sentenced to 10 months in jail, but because he already served time earlier and was on house arrest, he was set free.
Interestingly, Vetevendosje declared on the day of Kurti’s arrest, that they will run as a legitimate political party in the next governmental elections in 2011. From talking to people in Pristina, most believe that Vetevendosje will have a suitable backing and should gain some seats in the Assembly; however there is the change that the government may not allow Vetevendosje to run in the elections, due to their past violent history, and as of now, it seems certain that Kurti will not be able to campaign personally.
Although Vetevendosje is a radical movement, Kurti thinks that "being radical is about being rational.” They are not against the law, but believe that law is politicized and that politicians and international diplomats bend the law as they will. Thus to counter this, sometimes hard action is needed to get one's views across.
Some spray painting by the group. There is one saying "Blej Shqip," which means 'buy Albanian."
This poems reads:
I vote, you vote, he/she votes, we vote, you (plural) vote, they bribe.
"Demonstrate for justice."
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